What We Do

Athletes Without Borders is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of initiatives that cultivate youth empowerment.  Through the efforts of our athlete mentors, community leaders, and volunteers we strive to create programs that reinforce the importance of young people making healthy decisions for today and for tomorrow.

Established in 2012, Athletes Without Borders, Inc. (AWB) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing youth with the proper resources and mentoring needed to empower them to cultivate healthy lifestyles. 

Our programs use athletics as a vehicle to not only introduce the skills and dedication needed to face the growing number of challenges within their daily lives, but also to assist in their development as well-rounded individuals.  Working in partnership with local and national sports organizations, AWB serves as a resource and an advocate for the thousands of participating youth in our partner cities, villages, and towns both domestically and abroad.

Our Objectives

Empowering youth through athletics is the guiding objective that serves as the core for all of our efforts.  As a result, our programs aim to incorporate and communicate the following principles to successfully reach our goals:


Mentorship is the key driver to unlocking the full potential of our youth.  Through a network of public and private partnerships, we train local athletes and community volunteers to become mentor leaders.  In pairing our mentors with youth in their local communities, enduring relationships are cultivated.  Through these shared experiences, our mentors convey the skills and perspective needed for our youth to become the future community leader of tomorrow.


Many disadvantaged students in urban and rural environments lack the continuous academic reinforcement that stimulates their intellectual development.  AWB partners with local schools and universities to provide programs that focus on both academic achievement and enriched learning experiences.  We believe that this combination academic success and exposure to technology, visual and performing arts, and music education provides youth with a wealth of knowledge that will motive their continuous learning.


Through partnerships with local service organizations and local and state law enforcement departments, AWB programs and mentors stress the importance of civic responsibility to participating youth.  Providing youth with these opportunities to connect with local issues and activities allows them to develop a heighten sense of pride and responsibility for their community. 


Through partnerships with local service organizations and local and state law enforcement departments, AWB programs and mentors stress the importance of civic responsibility to participating youth.  Providing youth with these opportunities to connect with local issues and activities allows them to develop a heighten sense of pride and responsibility for their community.